Since we did not have school today, we will move our Snuggie/pajama day to tomorrow (Wednesday). Students can stay warm and earn House points!

All E-Learning materials will be in Google Classroom for middle school students to access by 10 am. Click on classwork at the top of the page to see and access assigned work. There is heading in each Google Classroom with an E Learning title and work should be located in that section. It is shown in the image included in the post.

Due to the forecasted cold weather on Tuesday, all students will have a dress up day. We ask all students to wear their Pj's, a Snuggie or Comfy, or anything that will help keep them warm!

Come out tonight for our pink out game and support a wonderful family! 7th grade Warriors tip off at 5 pm against the Edison Panthers! Theme: PINK! Wear pink for free admission!
There will also be a silent auction, face painting by the GHMS Art Club, cookies for sale, a 50/50 raffle and a GOOD TIME to be had by all!
All proceeds will go to the Grubbs’ family. Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, and is currently undergoing her 2nd round of chemo before surgery. As a single mom of 3, it’s hard. Let’s show this Warrior, and the GHMS Warriors, some support tonight!

Here is our newsletter for January!

Volleyball season kicks off TONIGHT!

Game day!

Congratulations to this week's dude.we.see.you winner, Ben Costerisan. Here is what another student said about Ben: ""He helped me write my homework because of my broken shoulder." Awesome job! Ben, we see you.

Congratulations goes out to our Empathy award winners for the month of December. These students are recognized for understanding and connecting to other people's feelings. This month's Purposefull People word is Perseverance.

Congratulations to this week's dude.we.see.you winner, Emerson Sanchez! Here is what another student said about him: "He gave someone his coat because they were really cold and fell and were crying." Emerson, we see you. Thanks for being kind!

6th grade boys basketball tryouts will begin on Tuesday 1/7 and Wednesday 1/8!
1/7- 5:30- 7PM (West Gym)
1/8- 5:45-7:15 PM (West Gym)
More information regarding the season will come from Coach Fairfield when rosters are finalized!

We finished the day with our Minute-to-Win-it Assembly. Thank you to Student Council for hosting this!

Students got to watch their teachers participate in a staff volleyball game today. Congratulations to the 5th grade team, who beat 6th grade, and the 8th grade team, who beat the 7th grade!

Here is a link to the annual Teacher Dance:
You will just need to copy and paste it.

More pictures from the assembly!

We had another fantastic Holiday Assembly this morning. Great job to everyone who performed!

Thank you to our fabulous scorer's table and everyone who worked so hard to help us host the 8th Grade Girls Basketball State Tournament! A special shout out goes to Charlie Drier and Todd Peterson who volunteer their time during the girls and boys basketball seasons every year. You make our games an immersive experience. Thank you!

6th-8th grade band students had a wonderful time bringing music and holiday cheer to the delightful residents and staff of the Motherhouse!

Congratulations to Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Loring, Mrs. Loring and all of our band and chorus students for a great concert last night. A special shout out goes to Todd Peterson for helping us with the sound!

Congratulations to this week's dude.we.see.you winner, Evelynn Perez. Here is what another student said about her: "She is kind and wants to be friends with everybody!" Evelynn, we see you!