
We are very excited to announce that our Board of Education has approved an e-Learning plan to be implemented beginning this school year.  E-Learning days may be implemented in lieu of emergency days such as snow days or other inclement weather days.  

In the past, if a snow day was called, that instructional day was tacked on to the end of the school year. This extended the school year and often caused problems with scheduling because of our desire to firmly schedule graduation and other end of the year activities.  We have also found that student attendance on those days drop significantly due to family plans such as vacations.  An e-Learning plan gives us the flexibility to offer instruction remotely and not extend the school year.

The same process for announcing an e-Learning day will be followed as calling a snow day.  This will be done in the morning by 6:00 AM. 

The following information provides an explanation of an e-Learning day:

What is an e-Learning Day?

An e-Learning day approach allows us to provide an instructional day even if our buildings are not open due to weather.  If weather does not permit us to be in session, we will deploy an e-Learning day.  K-1 will only have non-electronic instructional materials that will be sent home prior to an e-Learning day.  2-8 students may have a combination of electronic and non-electronic materials, but assignments will always be posted in Google Classroom by 9:30 AM.  All teachers will be available throughout the day via e-mail from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM to answer questions as they arise. 

 Will students, who cannot complete the work, be penalized?

 Absolutely not!  We understand that internet access may not be available to everyone, and that some students may not be able to complete all tasks assigned by instructors. We also want to be clear that not all activities will need the internet to be completed. These days are meant to enhance learning and be formative in nature. It is possible that homework will be assigned in anticipation of a snow day by our instructors. Those homework assignments will be posted to the Google Classrooms (2-8). Our teachers will allow students to “catch up” if needed upon our return to school.

If you have a child in grades 2-8 and have internet connectivity issues, please contact the Superintendent.

 Will this be our policy moving forward?

 Yes.  However, we realize that this is a new approach that we will be analyzing and assessing along the way.  We reserve the right to adjust the e-Learning plan as deemed necessary.

 Because of the use of e-Learning days, we will be able to plan for end of the year dates. We will need board approval, but the end-of-year dates are as follows:

  • Thursday, May 18 – 8th Grade Graduation
  • Thursday, May 24 – Last Day of School 

If you have any questions regarding e-Learning days or anything else concerning Germantown Hills School District #69, please do not hesitate contacting the Superintendent at 309-383-2121 opt. 4 or at dmair@ghislls69.com.